navigating to a sustaining economy
<span class="vcard">NewEcoAdmin</span>

Your guide for changing business as usual.

Business as usual – rewarding ever-growing production and consumption fed by fossil fuels – has poisoned the water, polluted the air, destabilized the climate, increased economic inequality, stressed families, and increased non-communicable diseases. Continuing business as usual puts our communities and our future generations at risk. You know this, and you see examples of it every day, whether that’s in your organization or in the headlines.

You are ready to change business as usual: in your company, in your community, in your organization, or in your life. You are looking for customized support and personal conversations that guide you to doing things differently.

You’ve come to the right place.

I’ll ask questions to help you uncover what changes you can make in ‘business as usual’. I’ll guide you through how you and your organization are positioned to stabilize the climate, increase equality, restore nature, and strengthen the fabric of communities. I’ll collaborate with you and your partners, helping you navigate to leadership in a new economy.

photo by Melissa Mullen Photography

Megan Hellstedt

Creating bridges between sustainability and the economy

You are building a new business, you are the leader of an established business, or you are leading a mission-based non-profit. You want your organization to restore nature and contribute meaningfully to reining in climate change while contributing to an economy that truly benefits people. You’ve come to the right place.

✵ I sit down with you for honest conversations about complex topics. We’ll engage in open discussions about economic impacts on humanity and the environment. Together, with your knowledge of your organization and my navigation, we’ll design the tangible impacts you want to have on climate change and biodiversity, on public health, and on the ability for future generations to survive.

✵ I help you chart your course: establish clear, actionable goals on climate change, biodiversity, and community resilience.

✵ I support your launch to make it happen: engaging and collaborating across your organization and with external partners.

Mentoring early-career leaders

You are starting a new career and want to stabilize the climate, restore nature, and improve the health of our communities. You have passion and knowledge, and are looking for a partner to help weave climate strategies and actions across your organization, engaging colleagues to accelerate action. You are evaluating your role, your responsibilities, what success means to you, and how you can increase your impact as your career evolves. You’ve come to the right place.

✵ I bring deep experience in designing and implementing organizational action: help you accelerate strategic action within your organization, uncover hurdles and guide you to overcoming them.

✵ I guide you in building a support network: connect you to people who share knowledge across generations, across communities, across organizations to accelerate change.

✵ I help you define an action plan: define roles and responsibilities to make sure climate and sustainability goals are embedded across your organization and leading to credible, meaningful change.

Building community resilience

You are a community leader working to implement on-the-ground changes to prepare your community for changes in climate and biodiversity. You want your organization to be more rooted in your community and be part of building that community’s resilience for the future. You want your community to be leading the transition to a regenerative economy. You’ve come to the right place.

✵ I help you understand vulnerabilities: review and interpret data on how your community will be impacted by climate change and biodiversity loss.

✵ I help you facilitate collaboration: build strong network among organizations, business, and municipalities to advance climate action and future resilience.

✵ I guide you in prioritizing: identify which actions have the greatest impact and make a clear implementation plan.

✵ I help you make it happen: establish a stable structure and financing that accelerates action.